Friday, January 9, 2009

Jet lagged!

I'm back in the old country again after an awesome trip to visit friends and family for Christmas. I was not ready to leave them all this time. I'm not sure why, but this trip was different than the last one. In October I came just to visit for two weeks and then go back to Norway and work and to wait for my visa application results. This time my visit seemed more final. Like I was really home and should have stayed. The day before I was scheduled to leave I walked around with a knot in my stomach all day and I was wondering what the deal was. Later I found out that my mom and dad had that same knot. During the day dad had checked the weather report and found out that there was an ice storm headed for Philadelphia the day I was supposed to fly through there. So, with that information we decided to change my flight until the following day. I felt soooo much better after that. The knot was gone and I felt complete peace about leaving. Not that I wanted to leave still, but I definitely had peace about it now. And I got to hang out with a friend who I wouldn't have been able to see this time if I hadn't changed my ticket... I still don't really know why I didn't have peace about going on my original date, as far as I know the planes were coming and going as scheduled. But I guess it really doesn't matter. I choose to believe that I was led by the Holy Spirit not to leave and to stay one more day... :)

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