Sunday, January 25, 2009

Running out of patience...

I'm bored out of my mind, it's dark outside, and I'm soooooo close to loosing my patience with the US Embassy and the stupid visa application. WHAT IS TAKING SO FREAKING LONG???? I want to scream it from the top of my lungs, if it would only make a difference. My friends birthday is coming up and Ionly hope I'll make it back in town for it. James says that the working of your faith produces patience. Well, I'm just about to run out. The word also says when you have done all to stand, then keep standing. Well, I'm definitely trying. James also said count it all joy when you fall into various trials... I'm counting... 1 joy, 2 joy, 3 joy...... 10 joy. LOL!!! Encouraging myself in the Lord for He is on my side.

I'm excited about the thought of being back in the states soon. I'm planning on doing the Tulsa run in the fall and will start training for that as soon as I'm back in town. I think having a goal like that will help me stay focused on getting healthier. I'm determined to make this my best year yet. And my 30's to be the best time of my life.
