Saturday, January 10, 2009

A new years resolution...?

I don't usually make new years resolutions. Why? Because I never end up doing them... maybe because I'm a big procrastinator, or maybe it's because no one else seems to follow up on their new year resolutions either... so why bother...?

This year I do have one, if you want to call it that.... It's not so much a new years resolution, more of a determination to make some changes and maybe that way I'll actually make it happen... (lol). Anyhow, I was having a conversation with a friend over Christmas about friendships and what my friends all have in common... other than me ;) They are all creative in some form. Actors, musicians, writers, photographers, graphic designers, and then there's me... Why do I surround myself with so many creative people, and I didn't choose them based on their creativity... rather I feel in a way they chose me ... I do not see myself as very creative, but I'm drawn to those who are... I would like to be and I have made a decision recently to develop whatever creativity I have inside. I love music, I love literature, I love photography, and I love art, and I wish I could write. But I'm not good at either of it. But maybe I can get better if I just applied myself...and wasn't so scared of trying...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

do it girl - you've got it in you! can't wait to see it!