Sunday, March 16, 2008

I had my first actual day of working today and it was crazy busy. I got there at noon and it never slowed down. My head was about to explode and my feet were hurting pretty bad too... I'm beginning to wonder why I'm wanting to be a barista..... It's stressful at times and not as easy as it sounds.... Anyhow, I got a two month trial period, so I guess I'll use the two months to figure it out. Besides being crazy busy at work i missed the 7 o'clock train back to Fredrikstad and had to wait two hours for the next train. Sucked!!! Then I met Janne at church and we rode in a friend's car to another friend's house for a birthday party which was another hour away by car way out in noman's land (lol). The house was gorgeous!! Newly remodeled older Norwegian house and absolutely fascinating. We ended the night by watching "when the Spirit gets to moving" with bro. Hagin and it was a great way to end the night. I'm going to bed now, its 3:44am here. Good night and good luck! ;)

1 comment:

Matt and Cristin said...

That TOTALLY SUCKS that you had to wait 2 hours for the next train! HOLY COW! :( I'm glad you are a barista and I'm jealous. :) I went to my "new Starbucks" the other day and saw some people I worked with in Bremerton....they tempted me to be a barista again. I do miss it! Hope your next few days at work are less busy and stressful! love ya and miss ya!